Iconic Sunshine Coast Trade Services Business
$1,000,000 Just Sold
- $575k Profit for 1 x working owner!
- First Time Offered for Sale by founding owner of 29 years transitioning to retirement
- Average yearly turnover in excess of $2 million dollars
- Large fleet of qualified tradies
- Could easily Run Under Management with current long-term managerial team as all the systems are in place
- Service agreements in place with multi-nationals, QLD Health, Sunshine Coast Regional Council and other Government agencies
This EXTREMELY Profitable Trade Services Business is well prepared for the phenomenal population growth forecast for Sunshine Coast. Particularly within Caloundra South, Palmwoods and Beerwah East developments attracting over 110,000 new residents to their immediate service area.
Together these suburban areas, along with the rest of the Sunshine Coast is set to explode over the next 30 years!
Over $1/2 MILLION reasons to jump into this opportunity now, as well as providing ENDLESS possibilities for the lucky new owner/s in the future!
Business Information Memorandum will ONLY be made available for suitably qualified buyers and their financial adviser(s)
Inquiries are encouraged from interested parties who can satisfy our financial requirements. Please understand that very limited information will be supplied until these qualification requirements are met.